The Gavelyte, May-June 1914
10 TI IE A VELYTE - Onc·c t hPl'l' was a Prof. so Lall 1t. took six w eks fair 1his· tears to fall. - clclah: SOi\I liJ p •op!<' are awfully j a1ous. -Aisk Wtilmah whiat she thinks •of parenrtal interference in one'c; privart affairs. -!Jr Billy tore his coat would b>e go to Menclenihall? -Turney says Henri IT. is some candy horse. Not much won'Cler, h? He l!sually has lots of sweetness behind ·bim. -In s 1 pite of overwhe·lming diff.icultiesi tJbe baseball t am bas suc– ceede-d in kee,pill'g itself alive thiis sprin 1 g. It recently won a g,aime from Xema, the score of which was 27 to 1. A close game was also played with J·amesJtown in which our ·boy,s were defeate'<l 7 to 6. ~so many social eve:n,ts have oocurred the la:st month that we d•o not have s•p,ace to even mention them. Ho•wever, they will n,ort be forgotten by those who enjoyed them. - Our advertisers handle the bes 1 t in tJheir lines. See them before buyin,g. ROOT! (With Apologies to Tennyson.) Root! Root! Root! Flor our dearest ol,d C. ·C. And le't eve·ryone loudly utter The thoughts that ari'S>e in t'hee. Oh, TO'Ot for the Basket Bafil While they are tumbl,ing ·aJborut at play; Oh, root fo,r the Bas 1 e Ball 1,a,d, A,s only a. college student •ma'Y. Flor our College still lives on In our dearest old Cedarvme, But, oh, for t:he eviden ces of. some college spirit, And t'lre sound of voi,ces th!at a r e still. Ruot! Root! Root! Flor our dearesit •o'ld: C. C., ·For the coUeige d•ays that are now at hand wm never come back ,to tJhiee ! -Alfred o-one's-son.
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