The Gavelyte, May-June 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 11 KAISER Steam Laundry TheExchange Bank Local Agent JOHN C. WRIGHT The Old Central Hotel Remodeled Throughout An Up-to-Date Restaurant in Connection. FINE LINE OF Candies and Cigars Short Orders a Specialty Also a nice line of all kinds of soft drinks. E. C. LUDLUM, PROPRIETOR CEDARVI LLE , OHIO 4 Per Ce nt Interest Pa id on Savings Grow With Us ... Walter Cultice S u ccessor to C. H. Crouse . Meat Market Best cuts of all meats. Come in and inspect our stock. J.E. WADDLE FOR Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Candies LOOK HERE! Any time you want Ice Cream Spring, Summer or Winter. SEE: Mt Wm. MARSHALL