The Gavelyte, May-June 1914

12 l'lIE. GAYELYTE JUNE 22 AUGUST 14 Wooster Summer School WOOSTER, OHIO Attendance Last Summer 1430. 'l'be coming term promises to be the best in the histc,ry or the sch11ol. ThrPe hundred recit~tio11s daily i11 fl,Jl lineR tor teachers, secondary, college and gra.d natP :-.111clents. Music, oratory, dc,mestic science rnauLrn,l tra.i11i11g-, physica.l training and coachiug 1:onrsPs, eorn111Prcia,J \\'lll'k, supervisori;' courses in music, public RCh'lul drawing a11d agriculture. Remarkab1e le0ture course , fifteen grea,t n n 1n bers. Iuspirational chapel addresses each day. Fa,eulty of 11ea,rly one hundrt='ld. All Work Fully Accredited by the State on Lhe same bas1 as the state normal:-;. New legislation will reqmn· every grade a11ct ele111e11try teacher in the state to have at least six weeks normal t rainrn g afrt-r January 1, 1915. Wooster meeti,. Pvery requir emenr, ancl mure. High Sohool Teachers must have Training also. Woos– ter will give just what 1.:; need ed . The P-Xpenses are very moderate, tlw facilities unRurpassed. Great Clearing House for Teachers. Wooster places more than $3.000 worth of po,:1t1uns every week in the year . D oes that s1,rt of a school intert>Rt you? Graduate School for Ministers beginning August 8, and giving two weeks of wo11d erful work under spe<liali sts . All denomrnations, both Till l'isters and layn:::en. School of Missions b~ginnrng August 8, for ladies. A great and inspir111g program. Send for your catalog to-clay, and mention this paper J. a. :-., Principal, Wooster Academy and Summer School, W ooster, Ohio