The Gavelyte, May-June 1914

14 TI I · GAVELYTE LANE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CINCINNATI, OHIO . Eighty-second Year. Allia11c e with the University of Cin– cinnati for advance degrees Address Pres ident W lLLIAM McKlBBLN. Interior and Exterior Decorators L. S. BARNES & CO. , Xenia, Ohio Wall paper, Paints, Varnishes A ''S quare Deal'' for everybody is the "Spalding Pol icy." We guarantee each buye r of an a rticle bearing the Spalding T rademark that such · a rt icle will gi ve sati&faction and a reasonable amount of service . A. G. Spalding & Bros. 119 East Fifth Ave., Pictuf'e framing and Stationery Cincinnati , Ohio. •