The Gavelyte, May-June 1914

• CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 15 ALWAYS TRADE WITH OUR ADVERTISERS Rensselaer Established 1824 Troy,N.Y. Polytechnic Engineering Institute and Science C~urse~ in Civ il E n gi neering (C. E.), Mecha nicol E n gtn~enng (~1. E._) , E lectricn I Engin eering (£. E.), Chemical Engineering (Ch. E.), a nd General S cience (B. S. ), Abo Specia I Courses. Unsurpassed n ew Chemical, Physical, Electrical, Me– chanical and Materials T esting L{!borntc,ries. For cotnlogue a nd illustrated p amphlets showing work of grnd u a t es nod students and views of buildings a nd campus, apply to JOHN W. NUGENT, Registrar. t••>----------{• '------------- GOODMAN BROTHERS JEWELERS No 9B NoRTH H1GH Sr Columbus, Ohio Young men are especially interested in the very smart styles we are showi ng in HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX suits. The new fabrics, both American and foreign, are such as will please everybody. Your choice is here. We are showing some unusually big values at $10.00 to $30.00 C. A. WLAVLR