The Gavelyte, May-June 1914

16 Tl lE C VELYTE Cedarv·lle College Courses ar e Offer ed in Depa rtment a FoJlows: College All subjects of modern curriculum are taught . Preparatory Four Years' Course---Tuition Free. Teachers' Two Years' Course and one Year 's Course in Review . Music Piano---Voice---Theory---Four Years' Course . Domestic Science Dietetics---Menus---Cooking and Serving of Mea Is Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Three Literary Societies Tuition and Contingent fee, furnished room, light, heat , books and boarding $200 for 36 weeks . Library and Gymnasium Free. 21st year opens September 9th, 1914. For further information address President DAVID McKINNEY Cedarville, Ohio.