The Gavelyte, May-June 1914

4 Tl IE AVELYTE Pura Aqua, H2 0 Day By Po lyphemus. Jtrnt as if he kn w what we w •re up to, old Jupit r Pluvius pulled a ke n r st unt than any on ls on Friday, ~lay , (' dar Day. His itunt wa anct well-timed that it se med as if h mu t bav consid r cl th thing tor some little spac . o when th day and the hour arriv d it was rain, rain, r-a-i-'I1! and tihen some more, whil either Thursday or S 1 atu1 day would hav been an ideal day for the vents. But it tak s more than rain to dampen the ardor of the edairvill constituency, o in pite of thi...: fact many happy and inter sthog vents were enjoyed. Tb faculty opened the program 'Of the day with a celebration of the One Hundr d Y 'ars of Peace between Grelat Britain and the nited States. Prof. Jurkat as Uncle Sam was easily the hit of the day. All the other parts were well-acted out by the remaining m mbers of the faculty. The dove of peace (which in this case happened to be a chicken) er ·ate::d a ensation as Dr. McKinney so·f'tly cooed "Peace," "Peace." The Sen 1 ior pre c: id E:'Il t, ;,Ir. Bruce Anders·on, in behaJ,f of he Senior clai<=s then gave a short address during which a beautiful new gas lamp, the gift of the f:,E1niors to their Alma Mater, was unveiled. As long as the lamp gives forth l'ght, it will continue to flash to the world the significant, "C. C. '14" in beautiful Roman capitals. Well! Look here! Who· this? Oh, lit almost took my breath away. It's the Junio'l's in a battleship going to Meixico, I suppose. But 11ere they come upon the campus. They must have decided that C. C. is better than ~Iexico. "A Junior DHemm,a," in which different boys are made into hatracks, tables, chairs 1and w'hat-nots all qui 1 cker than you can bat your eye, is niow presiented to view. Yes. the JUil!iars certainly do it up broW'Il-that is for Juniors. The next stunt according to the printed program was "The Col– lege Managerie," given fer b tter or for worse by the gallant Sopho– morE·s, the alleged ravaging a,nd plundering class. A hus'.h ran over the restless audieil'ce as the au gust 'body approached. A beautiful ( ?) mule (or donkey) lead th e way with graceful strides. Mr. Turnbull, the rider of the faithful beast (which, by the way, never had a rider before) presented in a few choice wards an excellent sermon from the text, "The Faculty; It K :cks." found in the epistle to Cedarville, the fom th chapter and the second verse. ·Cl'ose behind in stately proces– s·ion, came the cabbagE-headed Sellrior, the be-deviled Juniors and the goose and ganderE·d Fre'· 1 hmen in their la.tes,t 'bib and tucker and flounce and slit. ·when the aud:Ence had seen •and appreciated all th€se re– markably realistic portrayals of the different classes, the long-confined