The Gavelyte, May-June 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE aind restless white pigeons were released, bearing the S{'arle't and gray or cl1e Sop·bomores aloft, fluttering in tbe gentle wind, a token of t h e Sophomores ris>ing majestically above all past or future classes that s·hall ever set foot in th•e halls of Cedar v,ille colJ.ege. The Fre hmen were so dismayeld by the gramcl a:rray of the Sopho– mores that they weTe almo,st n·onpluP·s•ed, but finally pulled therns,elves together and p·resented in a way which was the best that could be expected of Fres'hmen ,"T·he Old Maids' Bal.J." The idea se'emed to 'be a hunch of o1d maids playing baseball for tte sheer daring of th e thing. They soon got tired, however, an'd 1 r efr e• hed themselves fro,m some nursing bottles with full ap,paratus ,and rubber g•oods gua.ran1teed not to collapse. .Just at this moment some iFres·hmen boys burst in on the scene with no particular pmpose ,in view except to break up t'he game. This they R!ccomplish•e'd w1it:h th ir little " clio:g," Bow-Blows, which seem'e,d v•ery appropriate indeed. It wa:, Hill raiin:ing as usual, s·o everyone then adjourned to the gym., where a sple,ndid dinner was s,erved. After every one seemed satisfied, Dr. 11 cKinney arose and in· traduced tht> 1 Cedar Orator, Mr. Came1•on Ross, who then delivereri the Cedar Oration which was very enthusiast:cally applauded. Sh 1 011·t and up-to-the-minute speeches 1 foHowed by i\le~,srs. G. H. Hartman, J. 0 Stewart, Representative AndersOIIlJ and 0. E. Bradfute. These were 3..11 enjoyed and the interest sho,wn in Cedarvill e by the s,peaker s was much appreciated. Eao,_1_ orgam>iza.tion pres·ent was next requ,e,:1ted to give• 1ye Jlis, anc songs anr many were the rah! rahs! from the different hig 1 h s·cbool• an<d alumni A numb er witness·ed a demonstration in the aftel'n.oon ot chemical experiments whi ch was exceedingly interesting. It was keenly re,gretted that the May P ole Danc-e a.nd Pag,ean.t h,ad to be abandoned, but tihey will be given later. In s,pite of Old .Jupiter PluviHs we had a grand ti'me, and hope for many more Ceda.r Days. ALUMNI NOTES. Misc; Laura \\.'Tight visited s· •ve·ral w 1 re lrn in Ced,arville, attendi·ng the high school and college commencements. )1iss \Yilhelmina Mitray, of Lendon. was 0110 of the Cedar Day visitors . . Ti ·s Florence \Yilliamson lla~ ac·e:c pted a position at Nevada. Jowa a8 principal of the high Frhr '): at $90 per month. Hev. \\'oodbridge Ustiek ha!:' t:1kr-n ehargp of the U. P . congr gation at Kingston, N. Y. ::\Jr. Andrew Creswell, a firs·t year student in the, Pitt!:rb111·g U. P. Seminal'Y, is at 'home for the summer. . Tr. Kenneth \Villia1nxm1, 01' 'I'rny, ppc nt a l'ew dayl'> r <C' ntly at hi s hum<> in Xl-'ll'ia. 5
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