The Gavelyte, May-June 1914
6 TI IE GAVELYTE The Seniors Katheri ne L eigh. Ten stiately Senior,s come and go Thi-s year at •old C. C. Two of us for music do pay, And e 1 i,g,bt for our A. B. The Pres•idenit of our •cl,ass, B. A., With auburn hiair ,s•o bright, W1henever there giirls about Is never out ,of Sligihlt. Three of our num'ber weint last year To s·ummer school, you see; So Ralph and Haze·l amd Mary Will .Jrnniors never be. Nancy i.s, in bhe ,senior clas,s, But a S•ophmnore lhas her heart. And Gra:ce, our lovel,y "ls•aibel," Is a teacher of Domestic Art. Our studious classm,ate, C1'ara B., rs, all rirght, dolll't you know? And He'1'rn 0. and Berbhra S. Will always p'la y jusit so. The scribe d'oes not yet ma:ke the cl,aim, Of ,beinig a poet true; So do not critic!isie her ,s,tyle For ,that would never do. -Sa,y, you people •who are r~ders of this here Gave•lyte t hat didn'it git to go to ,tihiait ,there Kanrtat•a them young peoip1'e of Clifton gLva ,on th.e last ,o,f April, doin't kiniow Wlhat yiou'un.s ,aJl rn:i,ss-ed. Wlhy they Slay it was su.pergoblost ical. Them people ,sur ely can sing. Got SOIIIle '1.ifo about 'em. Yes, and -art•er it:Jh~ fling-aalll!•g they aH's h'c:1d t h eir :pictures too,k. IFlashUgM, you knoiw, ,aind, to ttell the rtrutJh some loooked Hke they needed, more li'ght flasih.ted on. (The writer of the aibove parrugraph was certainly feeling qu:i,te 1>'Ml'6figisticate 1 d when tlt was written.) 1 -T1he Sen,i>ors,' new grus la!mp i:s, us'eful a:s we1'1 as o r nament•al. Other cJ.asses , can do no better than to follow theiir exam'Ple in tihis matter.
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