The Gavelyte, May 1906

Hats of Latest Vogue, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturer in the \V orlcl of Official Ath le tic ,'upplies. Base Ball, Lawn Tennis, Foot Ball, Golf. Implements for All Sports. ]•~vr ry requ isite for Lawn Mark on Ba se Ball imple- - Tennis and Golf. ments has markerl th~i ad- For ove r a quarter of a vancement of thi: pnrticular <·entn ry Spalding's Trade sport. Spalding's Trade=Mark on your athletic implements gives you an advantage over the other playe r, ai-; you havr a bette r articie, lasts longer anrl gives more rntii-f:.1ctio11. EYE'I'.\' Bn"f' .Ball ) l nnagf'I' "houlcl "f'rHI nt orH·t• l'nl' 11 t·opy ol'Spnlcting·" Hprinp: nnct 8umnwl'('atalc,;.nw-Fl'•·P. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.. . ·,·w \'111·1;. ( ')i ic•ttg'O I)(• 111 Pr· ~1111 1.! rn11<-i-(·n Foun fain ~quare, 27 R. Fifth 8t., Cincinnati, Oh io.