The Gavelyte, May 1906

77 their annual du s, he ome a lire a bntter. Tlwn, a nanny_ go·1t would memb r of said society . 'l'he fund \ be a buttr ,s, and a fl~mg .buttr s~ ari 8 ing from suc t 1 source shall b I would be a nanny goat m act10n. ee · used for the benefit of aid ociety. 1 ARnCLE VI. AMENOMENTR. I The Party . EC. 1. Amendments to. thi . ~on- \ s~itution 'hall be pro~osed m writing~ I Thursday evening, May Hd, about 1 ,ngned by five membe1 s, at any meet forty young peoplt" walked out to th ing of said society; but no amend- 1Mbses Murdock's that is, all walk <l ment shall be adopted e~cept b~ the except one couple, who, on account concurrence of two-thirds ~f th of the southerly direction of th members pre,ent at th~ meetrng at I cours~, the beautiful moon-light and ,Yhich said all']endment is to be con- 1 the vantage point for viewing the sidered. Sc1id meeting shall not be Aurora Boreallis, went in a buggy. h_eld in less than one Y:ar. from th~ \ All enjoyed the evening _hugely and time of the proposal of said ame~d I at a late hour, when the time to de– ment. A quorum for the ad?ption I part camt>, it looked as if this. afore– of any amendment shall consi. t 0 ~ I said couple were to be included not less than twenty members. i amongst the pedestrians. For, as Alt'l'ICLE VII. ·-RULES OF ORDER. usual, when one half of this couplr 8EC1'I0N I. Robert's Rul:s of Or- goes driving, something is sure to cler shall be taken as a basis _for the happen. This time, when loot(ed for, rulPs governing [111 th<> meetings of . no buggy could be found. After a t,his society. prolonger! search, the horse was 8. C. Wright, Chairman, finally discovered, quietly munching l>ora Siegler, Secretary, nt a hay stack, back of the barn. Mary B. Ervin, j The next day, ,·,hen questioned, .I. R. f.'itzpatrick, \ something was said about the . tars Cummitte~.bein11: no Jess beautiful in tlH' "we<' sma.' hours." Pi·of .Jurkat: (In History Class), \Vhat is a flying buttress? , Mabel's Soliloquy. C'harles B.: I don't know. I prof.: RP asun it out. I l i I looked at .John, .John lookp1 at nw; ('. B.: l'c111't. I 1 . I ? A 1) · 1 11.\1 !!<>,'lt •1 s 0, ~haw, which shnll it >P it, 1P. P rnf.: 'l'h at 's ra~~'. , " -