The Gavelyte, May 1907
CEDARVILLE OLLEGE. 92 Looking over exchanges for the ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. past month, we are reminded that more solid matter would considerably en- George Stewart has been appointed hance the value of our own magazine. Excellent articlf:s were seen in the Atheletic correspondent to the Almanian, Antiochian, Tabor Tatis- Columbus papers. man, Black and Magenta. Leroy T. Marshall, '07, has l,een "The Wilmingtonian" contains an appointed as teacher in the Cedarville excellent article on ".Students". Its High School for the coming year. April edition is made doubly ir.terest- 1 Paul McMillan was out of school ing to the mind of a Cedarville man . . . . because of its interesting description for a week wa1trng upon his chum, of the Wilmington debating team Charles Haskin, who has been down which i~· so soon to meet our boys. with the measles. Love, according to a reliable lo- · Extract from the Cedarville Record: gician, is an inordinate desire on the "Carl Marshall and Company attend– part of one man to pay the board of ed the Selma H. S. Commencement, another man's daughtn for the rest I last E,riday night." of h"r natural exi.:itence in this ·'vale of tears". - Ex. I Fred - ''Oh! Bryson why don't you I go off and paddle your own canoe"? Extract from "Action'', Black and I Bryson- "! will if you'! let me ha\'e Magen~ for April:- '· As man euters I that Orr (oar). upon R'i's life work how of ten are I . . borne to his ears these words, 'Aim Dr. Ames Montg11me1 y of XPn1t1, high in all the purpose's of life'. The has been sec:ur_e~ tu d~hver the. ad– mark at which we aim should be high- , dress. at t~e Joint Oq-'1.om_a N1glit er than it is oar ability· to attain. exflrc1ses of the two ·oe1et1Ps to l,e He, who aims at something which he · hPld on Mny 30th. _ c~ reach,. will never come to _the I The c. E. of the R. P. church ga\'e highest pos::nble degree of .perfect10n. , a social, which waR largely atte11dt:'d The ma}(im of t~e ancients wa~: j Ly the studl:'nts and faculty of the 'although he who aims at the sun will college. A splended time was t-n– not hit it, yet his arrow will fly much joyed by all. higher than though his marks were - on the earth.' The man who claims I to be a second Washington may n~t I Boys You're Bound to Win attain to his ren11wn, but he will ' become a much better and greater ! --WITH A-- man than 'f he had aspired only to ! F IELDS' LIVERY RIG. become like the grumbling wretch of lj . . ,. Parth". ~prcial Attfntwn <1ivfn to Students.
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