The Gavelyte, May 1907
The Gavelyte. VOL. II LOCAL NEWS. Support the Gavelyte ! Patronize advertisers! Subscribe for the Gavelyte ! MAY, 1907. NO. 5. Let's support the college paper! Several of the Alumni have written articles for the June number. Senti in all your material, we will use it, be it poem, joke, personal or .June number will be a corker and essay. no .mistake! The Gavelyte plays rendered on the May 3rd "Bill"Ritter goes fishing- - 18th and 19th of April were fairly catches somE>. 1 well attended. Per onals! red-hot ones too, ;ant- I. The new Lecture Cours~ Committee ed for the June Gavelyt('.. j 1s at work upon plans for the season I of '07-'08. Send in a local, a poem, an essay, The Rev. J. L. Ritchie has been anything that will h~lp -us. . preaching in the R. P. church of this _ Kellar's show .given during the I town. He is much interested in the past month was fairly good. I college. Get your dates made, boys, for the I We believed that there were a good Wilmington debate. many things in ·'Bill" Waide's hat, Cedarville is experiencing all kinds but what was removed from it, was ·of weather just now. a surprise to us. The college has been tackled by an Our Alumni Editor went slightly epidemic of measles, during the past astray in counting up June weddings. week and .;hose who haven't had them We know of at least half a dozen are worrying about having them. 1 who might as well have it all over.
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