The Gavelyte, May 1907

89 THE GAVELYTE, Get in your contributiuns to the colldge pi ctures as well. If you want June number at oner. a pleasant reminder of the past year This means you, ALUM us! to cheer you up i!) the future, secure Also you, S'fUDE 1T! a copy of the Jone number. They And you, FRIEND! ! will be on sale by all the members of · I the Gavel Club, at Finnev's and Mc- Following the practice inaugurated I Collom'5 at 2h eents per copy . BeL– last year th~ .June number will take I ter see .\1r. McClellan and get your the place of the college annual. [t ! order in E::arly for the time is very will embrace alt the features that short. this a source of anticipation for many mor.ths in other :;chools. We I "Editing a paper ie a great thing. tro,.;t you wilt at onee make provisior1 If we publish jokes, people say we for sevt> rai copies to send to your are rattle headed. If we don't, we friend'. Each student OU!a{ht to ha~e are fossils. If we µubfish original at least ::,ix eo11it>s fur di ·tribuLion. matter, they say we don't give them Th e June numbe!' will contain a re- en 1 rngh selections. If we give them view of the past year's co!lt:'ge work selections, they say we are too lazy· in all it,:; phases, both seriom; and to write. If we don't go tu church, humoro:1~, class pi ctures and other we are heathens, if we do we are