The Gavelyte, May 1908

R2 THE GAVELYTE, though she thought it was really more delightful to stay at home. After her return she seemed to think that things were even less agreeable than before. However, no one would have known it from her conduct. She was a friend of every body but no one was her special friend. At last the time came for her to go home and spend the summer, several of her friends asked her to visit them for a week or two, but some– how she wanted to get home. This time Thomas was at the train to meet her and take her home. He was so happy that he never noticed when his horse turned into his own lane and walked slowly up to the old stone and waited for the occupants to alight. The old horse never quite understood nor did he know why he had to turn around that time and go on down the road a mile or so, while he did the s'ame thing a year from that time and his master got out and hitchecl him and he and M~ry went into the house, their future home. So we see them sitting there to-night the picture of happiness and con– tent, and if Mary were questioned now she would say ;'There is nothing lacking." D iem in D i e . Sept. 7 "Big Bill" Ritter leaves sister ' and once more coops in Ced– arville. " 9 More arrive. Extra edition– Miss Allen arrives. " 10 College opens. Olct friends meet. New members are in– intiated. I " 11 Phil and Grace meet. to link fates. Agree 1 ·' 12 "Bill" Murray in care of D.. T. arrives. Tramp in country after water melons. " 17 Philosophies entertain. " 19 C. K reception. The O'Flah- 1 ertys' and the Hooligans' have it out. O'Flahertys' worsted. " 21 "Pop" Waide returns to Lu– nette. ' ' 23 "Lint" pfays girl. " 27 Lydia is surprised. " 28 We meet Wittenberg. back safely-that's all. Oct. 1 Waide leaves his tnmk Sterrett's. Get at " 6 Some kindhearted soul moves "Bill" Hawthorne's trunk where it doesn't belong. " 7 8traw ri<ie to Creswell's. Ev-