The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE OLLEGE. 3 erybody happy. his trunk back. "Bill" gets I I " Hi ''Bill" Murray climbs thru the window. Meets the landlady. "22 Y. M. C. A. holds sway. "Bill" Linton draws a lemon. " 26 Gym. gets its annual wash. " 29 Chickens! " 31 Hallowe'en ! Girls turn. Feud starts between Miss Morris and "Bill" Hawthorne. Nov. 1 "Mat.:" wins fame and glory " 12 Bill and Lunette look to the future. Outlook unsatisfac– tory. Compromise offered. " 13 "Bill" Waide walks the floor. The landlady up in arms. " 14 Waide still walking. " 15 Ditto. " 16 News arrives here from Clar– ion that the girls there had entertained "Apollo", Rill Watt, during the holidays. " 23 Bachelors attack Clifton. as orator. Several "stags" needed re- ,. U Murray and Bryson go out to- pairs. gether. Never again, they "30 Leap Year party. Girl~ IT said the next morning. again. '• 12 The Har'helors entertain and " 31 Day of Prayer for Colleges. or!:(anize. Toasts galore. G. I Feb. 1 Still going. C. T.'s run in opposition. , " 7 Capitol Uni. floored, 39 to 11. '· Bill" Waide-um, well. " 9 Waide begins to wake up. " 22 plendid evening at William-: " 10 Still waking, showing signs sou's. I of life. "27 C'. C., 0 - Alumni, 11. J " 11 Lo! and behold! Another Dec. 2 Mi Jes' lectures. I feature beside Watson's lee- " 3 "Bill" Ritter has more girls ture. Comp.romise at last ac- than he can handle J cepted. Bill and Lunette . I " 6 rna entertains. Basket ball start once more. "Go ask sea on starts with a victory. '' 18 St Mary's victimize us, 40-13. " 25 Xmas. Everybody eats. Jan. 1 Winter term! Leap year! " 7 Farmers' Institute. "Doc" , pahr on record as against Local Option. '' 10 Chicago Ladies treat and re– treat. papa." " 14 4th place in State Contest. We beat Wittenberg. " 21 Basket ball team keeps clean– ing them up. National A. C. 25- 10. " 28 "Fitz" becomes impatient for Winter. " 29 A day extra. "~niggle" be-
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