The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Bachelor's Banquet. Of all functions by way of entertainment that have intruded the{Tlselves npnn us thi~ost strenuous year it has heen said by some of the honored, that the Bachelor's Banquet has excelled them all. Some of the fair maidR had been anticipating this eventful occasion for a few months, and there was some rumor among them that the Bachelors intended to take revenge on the d.:!ar girls for their cute little rinkle played upon the boys April 1st. Ladies, you know the 8achelors, do you not and would you presume to think ill of us. Some of the chief features of this glorious evening were stunning gamf>R ~rrung upon the ladies. In one, two of our manly members allowed tltet11::,elves to be blind folded and condescended to get down upon their knees and have a boxing contest. After a mumbcr of worthless bl©ws at the air the blind was taken off of one of the combatant's eyes so that he could have a dear view of hi blinded antagonist. The conflict ended with a foot race one foe in hot presuit of the other. In another game two more of our mernb1 rn wNe like\\ ise blindfolded each facing the other and sitting upon chairs. '!'he}each had bowls of cracker crumbs, their intention being to feed the other. Most of the food was spilled upon the floor and the rest running down the opponent's neck. A new progressive game was the chief feature of entertainment. The banquet consi::,ting of five courses was served at ten-thirty, after which each bachelor responded to a toast. Dr. McChesney was then asked to speak upon the plea::,ures of married life. The bachelors then adjourned at 1 :30 the next morning. And so the Bachelors have closed the social year. Au Revoir till September, Amen. We append several of the toasts of the evening: ohe Bachelor. E. G. SPAHR, '08. This subject can not help but be of intere!-lt to all present. To the men aR avowed bachelors, to the ladies as avowed lovers of bachelors. A "baclH·lor" is best defined as one who gives pleasure whenever and however he <'an do HO. No matter if other arrangements are in th€' way this one
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