The Gavelyte, May 1908

8, THli] GAV gLY'l'E, c;hilly fr,>rn head to foot. Some of you perhaps remember when "Windy" Bull carboned the cats. The cats were scared but above the noise of the beauti– ful songs of the, could be heard the songs or rather screams of the girls and the lady professor, Miss Mary 0. Eddy, so kind hearted and gener– ous, who helped us through many a hard fight with that trig and that awful calculu~. 811t before we praise her too much, let us go back a little farther to the time when Prof. Anderson was teaching that Harper a thing or two. Yes, they were married by and by as good people al ways are. In the days of old, things were very much like they are now, I mean, there are still to be seen goiag to and from college here and there a couple, as inseparable as two ducks, for where you see one you always see the other. Such used to be the case,· for Carrie H. wanted her Barber, Milt H. was at Uncle Thomas C.'s most of the time, Bill Graham was badly smittrn on Fannie, and many others, all of whom are either married or going to be or else they are bitter enemies. . There are some here to-night who cannot remember those scent->l-1, consequently you will not appreciate those remembrances that are fresh in' the minds of some of us. There are remembrances that will never leave us, no rnat~er where we go or what we do, remembrances that have an influence on us that we will always feel, that will lead us on to better, purer and nobler lives. But, there is another side on which to glance. Have iVe, in past years had any influence and if so, of what kind? Was it for the betterment the uplifting and upbuilding of a human soul precious in the sight of Goel and man, or was it an influence that would send that soul down to the lowest depths of sin and degradation? Think of this young women, and young men, and if you have made a mistake profit by it and with the help of God tr)' it over again and do your best in the future. · We all can do something, have sorne influence, and let us make it, if we have not already, the best there is; make some soul happier and purer and the days of old will be sweP.t to your memories: Here\~ to friencls hoth near and far Here's to woman, a bachelor's star; Here's to friemhi, we've met long ago Here's to those here, all that I know. Here's to professors, tudents and friends, Here's to a memory that never ends Here's to the club, the A. 0. E. And that inrlucles hoth you and mP.