The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 89 School Days. J. K. WILLIAMSON, '10. Friends and members of the A. 0. E. ~itting by the fireside one dark, rainy evening, there began to ramble thru my brain the scenes and happenings of those old school days ·of mine. And I saw as in a dream a winding, meandering creek twining its way th-ru a little village which had settled together like coffee grounds in the bottom of the cocoa cups at that dear old club of Aunt Mary's, and inter– spersed thruout this small hamlet are located lamp-posts on the top of which are perched dusky colored lamps which are lit when the almanac · says dark of the moon. As my thots trip lightly on they stumble over an edifice located in the extremf' sub9 rbs of this small burg. Its 'nomenclature will be with-held for emphasis . And as my thots skurry on, I recall old faces and I see them hurry tumultuuusly from thti little opening in the front of the college with all the dignity po:;sible. Speaking of dignity acquired in school life reminds me of how Mary assumed dignity. Little Mary started to schoo l, slate and pencil in her hand, in time she adopted a tablet in place of the odious slate, and "r" was dropped from her name, shP- was now "May". High School days came increasing her knowledge and incidentally her name which has now become Mayme. College days being full and brevity being the prime uhjPct her name wa::, shortened to Mae. But these are past and gone and now they call her Ma. That's what school days do for you. And then my. thots return for one farewell look and I see more dis– tinctly those Rood old days when I was a bachelor and I think of the times w.. had together, we bachelors, of course they still are, couldn't expect any– thing else, if you know 'em as l do, and I think how after the feasting and -serPn;Hling we returned home, no wife to meet us at the head of the stairs with the fire shovel and the water pitcher. We went not like the marrierl man pulled by his wifelet but sustained by an unfaltering trust like one who wraps the covers of his bed ab0ut him and snores off to sleep. So here's to the times we have had And here's to the girls we might have won Here's that we do the thing next time That last time we should have done If we hadn't been bachelors in Tho:,£> old school days of ours.
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