The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 91 the government owned all the women and would appoint each a wife- would save the tirr.e and trouble of courting them. The bachelor who does the honors of the evening is more particular and ::;ays, no wife for him except a Russell(er). Ariuther ~ays when he gets a wife she must be a hummer. I told him not to become 8ireoed by the humming of a bee, he might get stung. "O" he ::-;ays "shP is not a bee". But the bachelor with the soprano voice and ever ueaming countenance is the easiest consoled of all. "O yes", says he, "we have some 'Happy 'l'hut', but before we chew here's to you, 'our wives and sweethearts, may they never meet', Ho, Ho, a happy thot indeed." That is why his smile wo11 t come off. To many of us this q.uestion of selecting a wife has become very ser– iuu.;, :;,) much so to one of the bachelors that it causees him grief to the extent that he has draped his countenancit in mourning. Says every time he thinks ab,)ut it he is caused so much (re)Morris Now I never could see why everyone is so selfish about the kind of a wife tht->y want. Don't seem to show the Christian spirit: want the best and leave the worst for the other fellow. It is like this for instance, a l1asket of µea0hes is passed around, you wouldn't finger out the finest peach there, but would take the first one you came to. That's me. Don't you know thi:i i::; Leap Year? I'm going to take the first one that comes along. l'll just say to the ladies I never expect to be on the market another Leap, Year. By that time I'll be old and crabbed and my forehead will terminate \\ 111°re my wig begins. Oo you know why a woman is like a photographer? Well a photo– -grn ,Jller takes a photograph, a woman tak~s a husband and they both devel– op a negative. Wont my wife havtt a great negative on which to work? In China it takes three or four wives to accomplish the same result, or in other words an American wife is better than four Chinese. But all of the bachelors have hope and as long as \\ e are bachelors we will hope - hope for a wife. It is by this hope that our "dismal win– ter uf di scontent is turned into glorious summer".
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