The Gavelyte, May 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 93 he received the censure of the senate which was not expunged until 1837. He was the first president .vhose assassination was attempt<"d. He married Mrs. Rachel Robards in 1791, a woman who was divorced hy her first hu:-;hand on the complaint of too great intimacy with Andrew Jackson. In thPir hurry to marry, they violated unwittingly the act forbidding Mrs. Robards to remarry until a full divorce was granted by jury, finding this out, .Jackson Wi:IS married over again, but the union proved unhappy and its evil effects followed him through his public career. He was noted for a violent temper and consequently arranged and fought several duels, being wounded twice severely. Upon hia assuming the presidency, Mrs. Jackson died. This · had a softening influence upon his rough and almost incontrollable disposition, and a few years later he made a full and free confession of his evils and a faithful profession of Christianity, i11 whose hope he peacefully passed away in 1845. Andrew Jackson's ad– mi rnule cha.racteri~ tics were his rising above his discouraging conditions, an unflinching patriotism, energy, ambition, and his moral courage to acknowlege his fault::; aud unc0mpromisingly accept Jesus as his Saviour. Current Events. PROF. F. A. JURKAT, A. M. The last few days have seen the passing of Admiral Evans from the ac.:tive to thP retired list, thus breaking one more link of the chain that bin<!s us to the ~µani ·h war and its· momentous consequences. Although Evans had done enough before the Spanish war to entitle him to a high place in -t :1e hearts of his countrymen, his participation in the battles of Santiago is the part that naturally occurs to one in thinking of his career. It was a grace– fol thing to round out his record by giving him command of the great fleet, whose voyage to the Pacific has aroused so much comment and turned our _attention to our western responsibilities. Wt1ile many worthy people de– precate the spending of so much money for warlike purposes and are point– ing out how much more profitably the money could have been spent in other directions, it may ba that the money thus supposed to be wasted may turn out like the box of ointment. Those who have traveled or lived in foreign