The Gavelyte, May 1908

CEDARVILLE .COLLEGE. 9n Once more a class is to leave her, ! Class of 1908, we invoke a blessing within whose walls, it has for some I upon you. Valete. years enjoyed the trials and pleasant- 1 ries of college life. The class of '08, J Subscriptions are willingly received by its true spirit and interest in the \ by the business department, day or college doings, has left a splendid re-1 night. We need the money to meet cord and we, who remain, will surely our expenses for the year, and it will lose in the graduation of this class. I be gladly welcomed as speedily as it Anci as this class leaves for all time I can be expressed here. the halls of old Cedarville, there · 1 comes a two-fold desire into our ' As we announced last month, Jue -minds, namely: that in their lives in to the shortening of the term, this the broacier sphere of the world's \ May number will be the last issue of battle, they may make for themselves I the year. We hava tried to make career. worthy of themselves, of this a paper repn-sentative of the their Alma Mater and of their God; thought and motive uf the students ·and again that as Alumni of this Col- of Cedarville Col lPge, a paper worth lege they may, where'er situated, I the perusal and su µport of 1:>very ever keep before th8m the needs and j alumnus, and in man~ ways _we have ciemands of ('pdarvillP College. Again . failed, throug-h our IflPXJJel'IPll<'P, to