The Gavelyte, May 1908
~)6 THE GAVELYTE, I reach our ideal. All we ask is a fair I equal to that of other institutions, and square deal from every student, ' and her g-raduates have been admit– alumnus and friend and we feel sure ted with crectit elsewhere; neither that with the sustained aid of the can it be said that she lacks the Cedarville cohorts. the staff of next ! teaching force and power for she has yi-,ar's Gavelyte shall be enabled to I a faculty the members of which can– publi::ih a paper equal to that of many not be excelled in highe r colleges larger and more prosperous colleges. I and universities; nor can any excu~e In the meantime, we give our hearti- ' justly be made, that the collt'ge is est thanks to those students, alumni t too distant for the great number of mtmbers, Faculty men who by their our young people, and it surely can assistance and encouragement and to !not be said that the re ie any lack of our many advertisers who by their 1 : desire in our young people to obtain kind support have rendered our work the benefits of the higher education, much less irksome than it would have J of which Cedarville is one of the di::i– otherwise been. Thank you all, and pensers. What then, must we say - . our best wishes for a profitable and I surely there is no pre judice in Lhe.. prosperous vacation! 1 church against her. We hope that · there is in the church a de::iire for It has come to our attention rather the advancement and strengtheni ng· forcibly recently that Cedarville Col- of the college as the years roll by lege is not securing out of the R. P. and that it is r,ot the wi::lh to hinder Church, under whose care an<i by her progress in any way . Now It whose support it is maintained, the may be argued in denial of all this quota of students that she would nor- I that the c?lleg_e is, supported largely rn;i,lly expect. For 14 years, C. C. has I uy c?lle0t_1ons rn tne K P . ~hurch, v. e been oµening her doors to the youths 1 . admit th1.::, nor do we wish to ask of the country and during all t~ose overmuch ?~re, k_nowing the weak- · years, th e number of congregat10ns J ened cond1t10n ot our church; but who have St'nt their sons and daugh- there is one thing we heartily believe ters here to be educated could be I she can supply and that is a repre– counted on the fingers of one hand! 1 sent.aLive delegation from all the What excuse ~an possibly be offered ·c hurches under the General :::,ynod. in defense of this state of affairs? We believe if some spedal efforts It cannot truly be said that her cur- we re µut forth this sttmmer in each ricu lum is weak for she has courses congregation and in tt1e community
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