The Gavelyte, May 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 97 adjoining that a greater interest I advancement, a Tea~hers' Course has would be awakened in C. C. this com- been arranged. Thi::, course embraces, ing year, and tho she does need mon- first, a systematic review of the com– ey etc., her primary need, we believe, mon branches; second, such advanced and the need, which when met, will, work in Latin, mathematics, history, do most good to both them a.nd to us, and civics as will be found especially who are undergraduates, is the in- useful to teachers; and, third, work · crea:;e of enrollment. From observa- along professfonal lines in psychology, tion, we believe emphatically that a I pedagogy, and the history of edu– cri:::;is exists in this college. Is the cation. The cou ~se has been ar– ch urch going to meet the problem or ranged throughout with a view to its not? At present there are four I practical helpfulness. It extends scholarships, there should be more. 1 1 through three years, and a diploma And if there is an individual in the will be given for its completion. church. who can po:isibly be encour- TWO-YEARS COURSE. aged to come here next year, mighty A diploma will be granted for a efforts sl)\)uld be made to influence two-year's course, whieh may be ar– him tu choose Cedarville as his col- ranged, by thos~ who do not desire to , . . . I devote more t1me to the work, by Jegt>. Ged .trv1lle, while not essential- 1 selecting from the three-year's course ly a denominational college, needs R. such studies as they desire and are P. stuJent:-:, a1d when we say this, prepared for. Both the two and we du not intend to slight or to make three-year student may substitute · · d · · d f h for any of the studies in the Te.achers' little of Li1ci many km fnen s o t e C · b" t f th C II · . . ourse any su Jee s rom e o eg1- U. P., Prt:>sbytenan and Methodist ate and Preparatory Department churches, who have so cheerfully which ace deemed equivalent by the helped anll sustained us in our efforts Faculty. All subjects p_ursued_ in this here. l{. P.'s what's the answ~r? department, ~xcept an_thmet1c and geography, will be credited toward a t t college diploma, in case the student New Teache~s Depar ~en eventually decides tn take the regular of Cedarville College. Collegiate Course. Students in the In order to meet the needs of I ~eachers' Course ha_ve th~ use of the those who, expecting to enter upon library and gymr.a~rn_m_, and are en- -· · · f t h' d · titlen to the same pnv1leges as other the profession ° eac rng e_sire students. Further information may Hpecial training along the lines be obtained from the College au– of their chosen work and of teachers thorities, who will glanly send any who wish to preparP themselves ~·or one a catalogue.