The Gavelyte, May 1908

THE GAVELYTE, ----- - ------------------------- Ry the way what's the matte r with the Deutscher Club? Kel':p it going. Several girl's clubs, the G. C. T.'s, the M I. M.'s and the Mer ry Widow's are PXi~ting- t hey do not exclude the men however. This year has been marked by the intervention of the Faculty in society work. That the system, as enforced, this term is a good one can be readi– ly seen by observing the increased attendance, enlivened interest, and improved programs, which have rlis– tinguished the term's literary work. There has been a tendency, however, among some foolish students to abuse the system by trying to defeat the purpose of the new ruh As Dr. Mc– Chesney remarked in chapel recently "while we have a 6.- pe r cent grade for society work, we will have 65 per cent societies". A true criticism and then•fore thl' dete1 mination of the faculty to put the grade upon the card, instead of merely stating that the student has ''passed" in literary work is a good ide~• We are glad to see the system repeated another year. Oratorical Association. Well the preliminary contest was a Ruccess in more ways than one. Mc– Cle11an won with Brigham second. We won fourth place at Wooster. Next year we hould climb at least one point higher, and why not win first place. With the training of last winter's contest, there is no reason whatever why C. C. should not reach for the summit of oratorical honors in her own state. Philos. After a hard, di couraging year, Philo, within the last term, has got upon its feet, and a nucleus of the full society of this year will be left t, continue the struggle next fall.