The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 99 I ~ The r ~ling of the faculty that a soci- I necessary, new ca r pets are needed, ety can only have 60 per cent of the I and if the society halls are trans– students. is ~opular with the Philos, j ferred to the new Carnegie Library, hecau e it gives them the opportuni- they must be secured. The ceili ng ty to trengthen their forces with al- also needs paper ing badly. The so– mo t the entire incoming student ciety work has brought out some of body. Philos have also secured new the members wonderfully. Waide lighting and hopes with the help of I and Creswell have improved consider– its kind friend::, of the vicinity to I ably. Miss Josephine Orr, Herbert once more be a worthy rival of its j Milligan and Mary Cooper havl:l been • isLer society. The work done here doing splendid work and the seniors this year has ueen very encouraging have improved their last opportuni– in that in has developed several stud- ties. Philosophies have all the grad– ents, thus proving that our work has uates of the year, Miss Carrie Finney, not been a failure. Let all Philos Messrs. Nash, Henderson and Spahr. come I.Jack next year eager to work Y. M . c . A . and willing to_build up ~heir society . Ii The Y. M. C. A. has begun to tak~ Ph1losoph1.cs on new life during this last term. The Philo. ophics have enjoyed a 1 Prayer meetings· have been held every very profitable and instructive year. two weeks and the subjects have dealt Though for some time interest I largely with college men's problems. lagged, yet interest grew, and socie-1 Subjects such as "P<!,ssion for Souls", ty µrogram, became better, till now I "Prayer" etc. have been the basis of those old alumni who have been to Iconsideration and the leaders includ– the meetings recently, have be_e-n s.ur- 1 ed Messrs. Williamson, Hen.dP.rson, prised at the progress made. Phtlo- Hawthorne and Foster. During the sophics now have a large percentage month the Training Conference was c,f the students and a splendid nucle- held at Otterbein. Messrs. Creswell us for next year's society work. and Hawthorne represented us, and .'ome improvements have been made- they brought back many helpful and ga has been installed in place of I inspiring words. 1t is impossible in ~lectricity, and though the society is I the short space we have here to de– s~mewhat in debt, there are prospects scribe the influence which one of for removing all indebtedness next these conferenL'eS must have upon year. As has been mentioned by the lives of those men who have been <Jther., morP improvements are I privileged to attend and through
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