The Gavelyte, May 1908
100 THE (;AVELYTE, them to their own student Y. M. C. A. Who said chicken roast Thursday The Y. M. C. A. of t~~ world under night, May 13? its powerful leaders is doing a won- "Mac" are Ii very rigs scarce in derful work and we should indeed /Cedarvill~? · feel it a pleasure to belong to it. 01\ May 6-7, Mr. F. R. Bayliss, Gener- I Every body pay your suhscription al Secretary of O S. U., was with us for the Gavelyte. and imparted to us much out of bis Julia H. "When I stop to think I own experience which will help us to never know anyt,hing." build up the Y. M. C. A. here and Janet and "Mac" seem to carry out give the men a broader and more I the leap year plan v"'ry w~II. sympathetic view of the world's life . lying around them. The several com- , Every body goes to the Mmdungum mittees were given excellent advice i debate, rah! rah! rah! and it will be borne in mind. Next Doe£ everybody see why Bill Haw- year we expect to continue the Y. M. thorne got into the Freshman Cla~s . C. A. prayer meetings and in addition picture? every alternate week to conduct a May 6. Frank Creswell and Flo1 enc:e class in the study of Foreign Mis- Russell go to Xenia. But the Cnu rt sions. We also hope to have a more House was- closed. direct interest in thP foreign field I Th t t ,,.. M C A t M e s a e J. . r . . . sec re ary r ourselves. Mr. Wendell Foster is IB r t w d d d Th · d · the able and earnest chairman of the hay IMS spe 6 n de 7 nes ay an urs ay ere av an . Missionary committee, Brigham of • Membership, McClellan of Prayer The Bachelors' club held its first Band and Waide of Religious meet- annual banquet at the CoHege Hall ings. With all your . ncation and Friday evening, May 8. busy life don't forget next year's Y. , David Brigham is making good usP M. C. A. of these last days in Cedarvjlle till I next fall. Ask Alberta what? A very enjoyable evening was spent Local News. L . t , -by eighteen of the studPnts down at EvP,ry body knows Bill rn on s ability as a "steward." the deep fill on May 13th sitting around roaring fires telling ghost Wendell ~'u~ter:- Oh s~e is not the storie.:,; singing and eating "1905" only PebblP on the Reach. chickens.
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