The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 101 ATHLETICS. On the whole, we can say that our were as regular" in attendance at, Basket Ball team was the only re- practice as the first team and worked deeming feature in a poor athletic I just as unselfishly and unreservedly. year. That we had the material for I That the first team next year will be a foot ball team of fair caliber was a "corker" Ill) one doubts, for we will clearly evident to all by the showing have all this year's team, ripened by of the eleven against the alumni on experience, and the first step forward Thanksgiving Day. The coach, while i- has been taken in the re-election of we had him, proved a Llessing to the t Frank Creswell, as manager, in appre– men and one or the first things that I ciation of his excellent ~iervices dur– ought to be done in µreparation for I ing the past year. The girls, also, next season's foot ball is to secure a I showed their willingness to play. coach, who will stay with and train I With the little pra~tice they had the men, so that the team may buck they gave X. H. S. girls a stubborn · uµ against other college teams of its j contest and we believe that the cla~s and make a respectable show- , thanks of the Cotleg-e A. A. are cer– inK, The expense wont amount to I tainly due to the girls, becaUSl\ it was much and a coach, we believe, will be only by their help that the A. A. was the means of hringing out many men kept out of the rut. Many thanks, for the team, who would not other- I girls, and please keep in mind to or– wise come out. 1 ganize earlier next year and play of- That our college has athletic ma- J tener. Prof. Fitzpatrick made an terial was abundantly attested by efficient coach and manager. - this yPar's Basket Ball team. Of One thing absolutely needed by our course in ~onsidering basket ball, basket ball team nPxt year is that three things are directly causes of the Alford Memorial be repaired. suc~ess: first, it had the support and The floor in places is rather weak and _ the well wishes of college and com- 1new flooring should be put in; the · munity; sec.ond, it was practically I lightiNg of the past winter was fear– '06-'07 team, improved by experience; fully bad ancl it was almost destruc– third because it had the benefit of tive to a man's eyes to attempt to practicing with a secon<l team, who play on the floor at all. This cer-
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