The Gavelyte, May 1908
102 THE GAVELYTE, tainly could be easily repaired with J many reasons baseball has pract1call_\, an outlay of an insig_nificant sum of j for the early part of tht' season been money compared with the danger in- 1destroyed in many parts of the coun– volved in the present system. If we try, yet we believH that a nucleni:-; want a star team, why not furnish ! will · be developer! for next year'i:-; them with the best of floors, the best team, and that our 1909 team will of lights and the best of support, all benefit by this year'::, . training. In of which will cost but little effort on looking at the base ball sitt1ation the part of those in authority. I there is one thing which has made Well, in Base Ball there has been I practice games impossible in rainy little doing. It's a pity a weather weather. Because the center of the prophet had not been selected as I field is in a hollow and because of tht. manager. It would certainly save , 1 lack of drainage, miniature ditche::; the trouble of preparing a schedule, and pools have formed in the mid::;t . and the necessity of purchasi 1 ng suits, I of the playing field. Thi~ is onP this year. Anyway suits were ob- thing that can be fixed with littlP, tained (they ~ill prove very service- [difficulty. The college authoritit':,; able next ~eason) and a schedule, 1 and alumni association last year were comprising ten good games, was ar- very kind in fixing; the-field and i11 ranged with our neighboring colleges. providing some sort of a fence. But Owing to the inclemency of the surely that does not mark the end uf weather, we have thus far been per- their effort. If G. C. is to do liig mitted to play but one game, that in athletics our athletes of the with Wilberforce: whne practical- foot ball and base ball field shoulu ly a "green" t eam was defeated by j ce rtainly be encouraged to this ex– the s~ore of -13 to 15. Capt. Cont'arr j tent: that the playing field be so has had the men out to practice but 1 . drained and so completed that it will_ for weeks at a time, practice was be unnecessary to postpone a game rendered inadvisable because of the I for the reasons we have had this condition of the field. Though we year. If this is done and men pro– had none of the great tars, who sus- j vided and a coat:h obtained, C. C. tained C. C.'::; base ball glory in past _. students certainly can have nu kick years, still we had in sight many who coming as to the privileges and op– showed excellent promise ot deve1op- portunities given them to engage pro– ing into capable and useful men for C. titably in athletic::;. The editors of C. next year':,; team, and although for this column in other years have always I
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