The Gavelyte, May 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 103 closed with the beautiful thought of will easily Ree why "Jack" has so a prosperous coming year in athlet- willingly surrendered his bachelor ics; and so we follow their footsteps freedom. The sessions of the class anrl venture to hope for and to proph- held this year are very entertaining, ecy 1908-'09 the most sucessful year and that the work has not been with– our athletic teams have ever enjoyed . out its influence upon certain of our Everybody boost for 1908-'09! I members, will bA easily seen by ob- serving the front porches of many of ohe Courtship Class Iour select town residences. We ·are -- I afraid to mention here the curricu- Realizing the advantage of such lum of the class, all we say, come in– training and seaing in our midst a to the bunch and try it. It has been crying need for such instruction, suggested recently that a Field Event Prof. Allen has recon~tructed his Day be held - for all we know it may Tacitus class into a Courtship class. have been observed to some extent 'l'he class is composed of nine bright at the Senior's picnic. But reader, <;r,udents, fonr girls and five boys, the just imagine, that long ungainly youth extra boy is used however. with the sunburnt hair, Ed Shaw; Prof. Allen, according to his own "Pop" Waide, that notable courter; statement, has come WPll prepared to he of the long locks Fred Bird; teach this important suaject. The and "Dude" Harbison, the smiling class has betn seriously handicapped youth, and you have a quartette hard during the past term, owing to the to beat in courtship. We're afraid fact t,hat the work was wholly theo- to mention the girk "Bill" Ha,w– retical -but a summer course is to thorne says because there are four ue taken by all-and no doubt the \ couple without him, he'll stay out of theory, advanced by Prof. Allen, will the race and just see how it's done. -point out the way clearly. Next All will, as we hav& said, perform ex– year's class will have a distinct ad- periments during the Summer, while vantage in that "Jack" Henderson of the instructor will come back, from this year's graduating class will re- Wooster, with increased le:1rning to turn to us and all courtship Glass hand out to his eager class. ·work will be taken in future years, with ".Jack" as centra·I figure of ex– perimentation. Any one who knows the make-up of the courtship class Mr. William Hawthorne's sister died at her home in Philadelphia April 29 .
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