The Gavelyte, May 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. lOG ' Mr. Frank Bull of Shelbyville Ind., was at home from noon until evening April 19. Mr. John Finney, who has been at– tending Medical School at Cincinnati, is home for the summer. Rev . Clarence Young of Philadel– phia will pass through here the twent.y-sixth on his way to synod at Cincinnati. Prof. Walter Morton and family of Cumberland, Va.. are here to attend_ the exercises of commencement next week. Let every Alumnui-; he present at Rev. Homer McMillan of Atlantn, the h:rnquet, it will be a swell affa ir. Ga., ha-:. visiterl his parents East of MiRA ellie l stick of Columhus town since the appearancP uf our RpPnt I•jaRtPr with Cedarville relatives. last numbPr.