The Gavelyte, May 1908
106 THE GAVELYTE, W. R .. Graham has completed his Supper at the Club. Theological course at Lane Seminary __ at Cincinnati,. and Will accept a call There goes the whistle. It is sup- at Yellow Sprmgs. I per time, we all rush to the feast Rev. John Wilson and bride are I which is sometimes very limited~ spending a fow days here as the I Well supper is not ready· so we sit gu~sts of Mr_- Wilson's mother .be~o~e 1 ! down on stools, chairs and sofas. g?mg to the1r new home at Virgmia I T~·en the fun _begins. Bill Ritter City, Ill. Ipicks up a cushion from some chair Dr: J. C. George of Columbus State j and ~urls ~t ~ith un8rring accuracy Hospital passed through Cedarville at Bill Waide s head. Of course Pop on May first on his way to the Day- will not stand for it; so he throws it ton State Hospital where he takes back, thus starting a general fight, a position on the Medical Staff. which can only be checked by the Prof. L. T. ~ilarshall is now actively still s1:1all voice of Aunt Mary as she engaged in his r.ampaign for Clerk of peeps m the door and says, '·Boys, . Common Pleas Court. Mr. Marshall I boys, you know I don't allow this has been re-elected, with an increase [ conduct in my house. You know in salary, as Principal of Cedarville· what your own folks would say if you High School. We have ministers, acted so rudely at home". Then some lawyers, doctors and professors as one says, "it wasn't me". "Quiet, members of our Alumni but Rov is quiet now" says Aunt Mary. Supper our first political aspirant. We ;hall J b! this time is r:ady and . Bill Eticks all extend to him our loyal support I his feet through the curtams and bel– as he is well qualified for the position lows, "first call for the dining car". and is rlesirous of using this as a Then the rush begins. A ·bumping stepping stone to the profession of and smashing of chairs, the josling law which he expects to take up later. of one-another so that from the out– Mr. Marshall's candidacy is looked side it sounds as though the lower upon with favor by his friends I regions had broken forth. We sit throughout the county and he down considering ourselves lucky if certainly will be hard to defeat. I! we spill nothing more than the mo- la!tses. Prof. Allen requests Bill "Jack" Nash is certainly "stepping I Ritter to ask the blessing and while some" these latter days. Watch him, he does so the girls proceed to get boys! J ahead of the boys and pass around
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