The Gavelyte, May 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 107 edible . The boys finally wake up, / Exchanges. but by the time the material reaches Bill's end, the good stuff has all van- Mr. Lloyd D. Heth, of Beloit Col– i he? and Bill stares vacantly into I lege, Wisconsin, won the Inter State the t>mpty platPs - and howls . Bill J Oratorical contest. asks for a glass of water, and Linton, , in fnlfilling his glass. empties some I Senior: - It's all over the school. Freshman:--What is? npon the honored member's head-- I precipitating more trouble, for a Senior:- The roof, little one. fight begins which soon involves all "No wonder me darlin' is cross-eyed'', the rascals in the room. Quiet is Said love-sick Pat to his mother restored and we eat a fair sized meal. "For both of her eyes are so pretty Waide brings on refreshments in the That each wants to look at the 0th- form of pop- it may be younger er."- Ex. "pop- tronble brews anew for little T th b k :.;i d n and urn e oo ups,ue ow "Sniggle" pu nehes a hole in the cork d h t ·t rea w a 1 says. of his b~ttle an~ shoots the pop ~t 1 ··rnJI~rns .10od Jaq~o awos q::>~m:> u'B::> a.M one of his !{Uar?1an:-. Aunt Mar_y 1s os U!'B~'B u.Mop JI::>'Bq ~! uJn~ .MON afraid to e;ome 1 n because she believes l that pop contains alcohol and that Read the splendid article, "God's ··onery'' litLle raseal , Sniggle, might Call", in the Black and Magenta. point the pop at her . After supper Here's to the fellow who smiles, is over, Snii,(gle keeps up the racket While life rGlls along like a song and aided anrl abetted by Pop Waide And here's to the chap who can and Bill Linton, and the singing of I smile the song ter, Bill Ritter, we are k_ept j When everything goQS dead miserable for the rest of the evemng. wrong. Ex. An Also-eat. Wilmington beat Wittenberg in -------- debate on the Ship Subsidy question. College picnickers had a delightful time. The large majority of college s tudents spent the day splendidly · with the seni ors. The affair was held down in Cedarville Cliffs, easy of access t o the crowd of th e college ·tudents. "The need of the ag~- Men" - the idea of oration in the cabinet. £everal of our exchanges have published letters from alumni resid– ing in foreign 0limes. Interesting reading, t oo.