The Gavelyte, May 1911

CEDAH VILLE OOLLEGE. 1--10 Athletics. •I --~......_............ =---_..,..,......,,. ___ ....., ________ ., ...... --.a!"\I.Dfflffl .,._____________ ._.._,w______.~ April 2 th Wilberforce came to Cedar- , himself in the chin in his delirium. ville to play their return game. The Tuesday we drove up to Charleston diamond was a sea of mud but never- confident of victory. We started the theless Wendell called his husky team game fast and scored five runs in the out to defend the honor of "dear old first three innings. While Cltarleston Cedarville" and a good game was only got five runs in the first TWO witnessed by the few spectators present. innings. The game ended 10-5 in favor Cedarville held Wilberforce to two of Charleston. After the game an old runs and themselves to a shut out. I lady came up to "our" Earl McClellan A score of two to nothing is not bad , and told him that he could make love even if we were on the small end, and! but he couldn't play ball. We did not it was the Wilberforce SECO D TEAM I at first understand this remark, but as has been reported by some. Of I later we found that Earl had flirted course we do not think that it really j with the old lady ·s daughter and had was their second team. The rooters, asked her, (the daughter) to go to the consisted of the "Parson" and two 1 , game with him. She didn't go. others. May 14, Wilmington played ball in Friday, May 5th, Cedarville's aggre- 1 Cedarville. Score will not appear at gation of ball players drove over to this time. We will try and have it Wilmington to "clean up" on the col- connted up and ready for the annual Jege team there. The boys made quite when it is sent to press. Cedarville a "hit" with the ladies but they could rooters were minus. Wilmington brot not hit the ball. Wilmington scored a procession of rooters in autos and four runs in the first inning and four royally cheered their boys of the in the third. Outside of these two Quaker faith to-. Suffice to say rounds it was a big goose egg for the - "our Wendell", the nations pride, Quakers. CEDARVILLE SCORED pitched a good game and Pres. of the _ SIX RUNS AND WOULD HAVE .WON I Knockers Club umpired in a very able EASILY WITH THREE MORE I manner. HOME RUNS. Charles E. Yoho! --------- played great ball, and made a very I pleasing appearance in his red shirt and basket ball suit, and when he came HEARD AT THE CLUB. - · to l.Jat the girlies shouted for joy and gave n1ne rahs for "Mose" and his "monkey jacket." Foster struck out some ten or tw lve men and kicked ''I can understand how there would be hair in the potatoes because they have eyes, but I can't see why there should be hair in the apple sauce or the ice for the apples are Baldwins and the ice was shaved."