The Gavelyte, May 1911

I ll GAVELYT l'I ti I I II f I• I I 111 ,. 'ILIUENT' (H; CEDARVILLE COLLE6E. hio In th• pa t t •w ypar w, hav,• •t>n Plt•l't ion aft.•r •lt•ction ronclul'tNl 1mong thr. Hlud •ti , in which th• nomin ,tion Wt·1· • mnd1•, n mo 10n ln clo11t• th.. norn– inat 10n followftd nnd in wo minu lt•H I h•• choicP hnd hePn mnd ·. What drn•s ul'h ,\ MO TIILY PAPER an ·ll'c ion mPun '' b11olut •ly nothing. ~:111 •n•d ,, /'lp,·n11d <'h. 'lull \l n11,·1. 111 1111• j lt mi>an11 no morP honor lo th• elt•ct •d ,•.,.. , 11111<·,•,11 t'1•,ti1r\lll,•,ohlo,.ltl11un1) 11 1 • I\NMI one than if loti-i had b n cn~l for th" ----------------1 otnc . Then when th• r al work heg1m1, \ 11 ,•nr1·p, pn11d1•111•p "honld 1w udd n· ~·<'d to ··T1w,,\\. fl)rt1 '' ot11,·,·nn, , 111111 • r.. c•..c1u, th anvil chorus b•gim1, and w11v·t , 111,,. Ohio Jusl hecau8e v ry onP beginR to reali1.1· that it wasn ·t by an Jection but by a S11h·wrlptl1111 Rutt' j.,,. pPr y,•ur.-sinl{IP l'opli,, H~·. a Iott ry that th choices wer mad •. --- --- Sometim lh tudents are atisfi d and F.PI 'l'OR!.U,, 'I \lt'J<'. 1 of cour e at times they ar not. Th lh: \\ l 'Lvr \IOIWAN, ·12 b;dltor In <'hlef I same would be the cas if the candidates l<OHEWI' \\ U1''l'l<'K, 'JI, A.i·ot"latl' Editor drew Jots for the offices. \\'E ' n~: r,L FOS'l'F;R, '1:1, Ltti>rary Editor .\LBf.R'l' ..\. 'RE'\\ BLL. .'10, Alumni P:<lltor Here is a plan that is workable, it is FLORE <'F. \\' !LLIA~l ' ON , ·11 I ,wll'ty simple and WILL make a student office BER'l'H \ , 'IOR \10:'.'IT, 'IJ. I Ed itor-<. . . VRED L . cu:~IA,\ , · 1:1, Athlf'll<· Edito r something to be desired. Let the stu- EL\\ oo!l 1•. HOWELL. ·1:1. L<ll'nl Eclltor dent body elect a nominating committee, BU r NE, · , 'l UT. Ifive nominations to be made for this I' n. lHXo .·. ·12, Bu,-. ~l ~r. uncl 'l'rPa su1·,•r j office and the three receiving the larg- 1':ARL ~ll'l'LF.LLAN, · i :i, . .\dY. )ll\niign I est number of votes to be elected This ::,. ER 'E, 'l' FOS'l'ER.'l:!. I A t All,· 'l"rJ 1 , . . ' J,' RED L. LE:IIAN . 'J:j, 1 ~ · ·.,,.. ~. committee to .1ommate competent men <'HA'. E. \ OHO. ·1:1, :111\illng Clerk · for any student office whatsoever. Submit the names to a faculty commit- The Gavelyte has throughout its his- tee and if they are approved, then let tory endeavored to serve the best inter-1 the nominating committee submit the ests of Cedarville students. Now at names to the student body for a ballot the close of one more season of work election. By this plan there would be it seems that perhaps we might offer a a deliberate choice made upon the mer· uggestion that will insure a correct its of the individual and anyone elected management of student activities in to an office could consider himself or the years to come. This is not depre- 1 herself honored. But to make an ciating the work of the students in the I election a matter of words and no past, for in the majority of cases the thought, only jeopardizes student inter– student body has been very wise in a ests and means no honor to any. Un– selection of men to manage and direct derstand, this is a plea for justice to their affairs. But system is a feature I anyone holding a student office more that cannot work harm to any effort. than it is for safe methods, altho that