The Gavelyte, May 1911
I I 1HL t: i\ Vl<) I Y'l l<J, D 11t of Communicatio11 Fdi101 "l'h,• ,. 111•1} 1, •• Ill.,• ill vidual in thi. w111·ld who • word llllll,11 ]'·11" ,,., nncl 111111<11r.llll'. h.1 lu•1•11 fnf'!'f d ' h I fi m uc n t,•ar y ow th,ll unit> LI Ii) h1111drpd 11( r, q111 ,t 1•01111111,t tc, 1111r <>ll1<·P, 1 'Y 1,, 111,111g11rn1t 11 11,, 11 ·1. ,1,,, .. ,,.,1 111 111~\\Pri111{ put in a ''dam'' nccu ionally, thPrt' p,•rplt· !111-; 1111cl, 11111 qn, ~11011< . \ft,•r II r,·" would ht> a flood. 1111111th~ n•,Pill'<'h w,• 11111,• f,11111,I a \Pl',\ c·11pnhlP I . . l'dlt.. r r"r 1hi, 1111,• ,,r "ork 1111d It i- "11h If, as was, tat ,rJ 111 a form •r 1 • lll' of pl"a,11n• 1ha1 "'' 1·11111-;rnnt thi, n•qu,.,t to our l you~ p~per, ":t gfas. of ga. olin: with a 11:111) p,11r1111~ thl, 111 11 11th. nut 111 1t const1tut 'San automohtlP cock- Where i the fir t plac that money , 1 tail," would you call a hor;;e with a i. ml'ntioned in the Bible? fiery temper a ". park plug'!" RELIGIOU~ 0 E. F. A. J. In conn ction with the ark it ays in 1 think so. Particularly if it were the Bible that Noah sent th~ dove out on a "shaft driv n" ''donk Y ngine," after it had brought th "green back." l for then it must needs " P eclwell;" But even before that the dove had a I although n_ot being a "crank," I do "bill." not know Just what you are "ste ring" . . . I at. Have you a "license'?" Rf'm m- W1ll you tell me some dove-hke thmg ber to "rubber tires" one. I could . ay to my friend? LYDIA T. Would you be so kind as to inform "your friend" that he I me what a "lantern-jaw d" bull <log i:'! BOOK GE,'T. You might tell is pigeon-toed. It would be extremely difficult to de– HO\v i it that people who live in "A scribe thi but you will always know a flat" can "B natural" under "sharp" "lantern-jawed" bull <log you s e conditions? M sr Lo ER it fac "light up." In a "measure" I must "bar" this J What is the hardest thing in rollpr– from you. However, I will say that• skating, when you 're learning'! the '·key'' to the "staff" of lifo is so BETTY T. "bas " that " harp" conditions never The floor. afford a "re t" worthy of "note." Should all worn election dav? n be at the poles on Will you tell m swear? For thi" rC'ason why ') many people 1 • . AU1'T MARY. I , FFRAGETTE. lo, ta surf'.'clly yes!-Thc 1 'orth and indi- I , outh Pole.. there are some '
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