The Gavelyte, May 1911

I'll I•: 1; ,\ V1,;1, 'l'r,, Prof. McChesney has received a com– munication from Rev. Raymond P. Gor– bold, '97, of Kio to, Japan, that he ex– pects to be in Cedarville the latter part of May :rnrl pa:v a visit to hi. Alma .\ia tl'l', . Frank Creswell, '10, ex~c·ets to pend a few days with hig pan•nt:. the latter µart of June. Prof. J. K. William on. '10, principal in the High School at Luverne, has ac– cepted a splendid p'lsition m Minne)lota. Mis Ada Allen, 'IO, the principal of the high school at eville, 0., expt><:l to attend comm ncement at . C. Miss Ethel McMillan, '10, who ha. been teaching in elina the past winter arrived home Apr. 25, to :µ ncl the summer with her parent . Mis arrie Finney, 'O , and Mr. al Morton, '97, have both been re-elected to their positions in the Cedarville pub– lic school for another year. Mr. Wm. Waide, '09, has completed two years of hi seminary work prepar– atory to hi. Mission work in India. H will preach during thf:'. ummf:'r in f;ut– ler. Ill.