The Gavelyte, May 1911
OED.ARVILLE COLLEGE. 150 ~:·.~~'::~.::,.:~.:..:..-::t:":~:·,~i:~:~=~:~,~=t~·:·;:~:~~-::r.::;:!'!;;ff.;t.::;~~;~~':;ti:·!~~.:~:,4:;ri·;~~r~:~;,:;:.~;:,':;t.::·~=.;.:~~·«~~.:~t~:·;~~r~!!.:.·~; f Globe Cash ,j; .'! WILLNER'S 'I ij tamps 116 _ 118 Main-st, Sales Tickets 8 ~t Given J. W. Fox, Vice Pres. and Manager. Given ti :fi - YOUNG MAN - - :.,. ; A young man's best introductory card in either the business or i:: ... professional world is his clothes. SELECT THEM WITH CARE. !"j: if WILLNER'S ARE DAYTON'S ONLY AGENTS FOR I ~~ ·t;, ADLER ROCHESTER :~ ;; SOCIETY BRAND t tl AND OF OTHER "TOPNOTCH" MAKES OF CLOTHING f~ . :~: ;{; MEN AND YOUNG MEN'S il :ti SUITS and COVEROATS !~ :''i- At $10, $15, $20 and Upwards ·• !:~ WILL ER Hats and Furnishings Etc. ~ ...:...·;r:.·...........;;·......... ~~· .......... -1:-:.-.......... -1:~...... :~·.:l;'";., ......... ..;t: ........:-...;:;:........... --1t::......:.... "1•~·....... ~ .. 1t!~·- ...........;;......... ... ..;r;.• I a necessity. Come in and let us fix you up. All l _ the bright and attr:i.ctive spring things are ready. I 10 Per Cent Discount to Students. I Nesbitt d Weaver. l Opp. Court House. l Main-st., . a a Xenia, Ohio. t1~~~~,.--,.-.P41J¥11 ~t)
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