The Gavelyte, May 1911
C~lJAliV!LLE l,'OU,.f!JGK 138 the storm was over the score was 8-2 against us. At this point Mr. Martin took up the shortstops job and Cedarville fought nobly to gain a victory but when the last man was down we were lacking two points. There were many many stars in the game but those who came out bright and strong were Mark– ley and Williamson, both making catches which were spectacular. The captain said he was proud of his men. If they win the second game from the Quakers there are good things in store. And of all people that keep the Golden Rule the Cedarville bunch do. They always do unto others as they would that they would that they should do t& them but it doesn't win games. So all are going to quit Sunday School till after baseball season and do unto others as they have been doing to us. OHIO PRIDE FLOUR Pure==Wholesome==Nutritious MANUFACTURED BY George CO. Ervin Jamestown, Ohio. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. : :_~:i::![:•: .: ~:!::~.::~~.:~ff;~.:..~;~:.. ~:-=:!-:,·~:.~ :~:i::!-::~: ~::fi:;!f:~~~ :::=,~=~-=:~: ~:::i::!f,·~~~;;fi::~-=:~:.~;::,'::!f:~: ~,~i;1::!.::~: ~,::,-::~::;.: ~;;:,-::?'/·;~: 1i REGAL ·oxFORDS } $3.45 f~f .: For Men and Women to ;.· -fl All L~athers and Styles $4.50 f~ ~j ENDW~~i.~~:?RDS } $!/0 ~ _ l; All Leathers and s·ty les $3 ·75 f;j, ·tj MOSER'S SHOE STORE, 1 i1 { 0 l d 30 i.:' D t (>it t Xenia, Ohio. f:1; ti::~,• :.'.::=::::·,• ·.~: ..~;:~;•:·: ,;,.,:., • ;,;::--;.:~;"';:. :~:;"'('/;":'• :~·: ;-,;=;:-: 1 • .. ,::;-,:,:.';": i •:~:?,if;;:!•:·~:,'~('{;": i • :~::'~:'{;;:;• :~::": '{;;:/• :~: !~:'!iJ\~
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