The Gavelyte, May 1912
II t .. llN , quilt ))tlltin • I 111 ,\ II II f Ir I I\ ( p I." TllP 1 111 l · nt rillllt• cl ill tl • pr a ht•r do Ilttl • lo ti,· , inl;itlon of I hi .111d 111ul'h of ot hPr t h111c; ,\I 111 h of th<' sp:t<' • \\ h l<'h men w r <'las,;nrnt<'. n IH•1 11 11 1 r1 for l1 i-:11trtriPnt n11mh!'I' h .l th, nloghal i:min.iry. Otlf' \\a-. n Ide Loat. wa · 11nrlottht dly tnk 11 up mu h lwttPr , turl nt, ·rhol:1r an l for purposP-6 I ·s n •Pclrlll ymrw 111111, prP.wh r than th oth r. 1 Te rf'ceiY- t nui. <'Onrt, danr·111g floor, et<' 'I h d mor than on <'all in preferen " thing. truly gratiried the whim of to the oth, r when both WC'l'C' randi· the pas ·Ing hour bnt in the momen dat,:,; for th :ame pulpit. Eaeh, how- of peril, they suffic not for th a\- ~·, r. ,; 1 ur cl a plaee and now after ing of tho e hundrNl: of liv •s. mor, than lhirty .rears what differ- :\'ow what i'~ the application or ,•nt :--to1 ie an be tolrl. The oppor- thPse illustrations to the . turl •nt lifP? tnnitie:-, while differ nt, were about "\\"hy interfere with our fun nll f]ual. ThP hrightPr preacher at on<'<' pleasure?" you say. "Why crowrl th bt>g-an to mi· hi.' dutie and in tru h :eriou into our flays ot' JOllth?" he l eC'ame a farm r. Ile labors stil! , imply thi : The :tud nt life i prP– in the ,-ame f ,fd. in the same way. 11aration for serYice and the tr<111. 1- preac hing to a few an!l is hi infln- tion between the chool life and . r– f nee i more large!~- on the farm than ,·i<'P is a abrupt a.· the s11iltl n t:>Y n on all o[ the few. The othE r C'hange from th berth:; of the T - remem er(d 'hat his work was for tani<' to the life boat' of the watery ,-,onl;; and he tudy of God' \\"onl .~ran•. If college training aims to and thu~ he labored. Although not 1>E ne any one purpo e urely it i. :-o well furni hed with talent a' hi" that "'e get the right per;·pective ot frienll. nt tl'e beginnine-. he i. no · life or that we !Pam the art of put- an acknowlf(i1n:d e.·po·itor of the ting firt things fir t. Bible. anrl mrirle tly we say it, in one ln the . tudy oE mathemati s thi month he reaches more people through thought is paramount; in the ·cience hi· writing.:: than the former ha done ~·e know that for every violation a all hi: lite. The lat er was not un- penalty is paid. In the tran ·Iation duly 'idetracked by temporal thing~. of our Latin. (Treek, French or GPr– llut a: we -.ay in h commonpla<'e man for en e or recitation we mu,-.• "oruin~ of tlw clay he '·:tayed on hi" fir;;t a. certain the :ubject and predl– ub" C"n e. In philosophy, br the mi ·pl:lC'l ·
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