The Gavelyte, May 1912

CED_'\l\\'l[.LI·. l·1 ll u: , E The question, wh ich is upperm·>st with mind <)f voters these days is, which of the old party candidates will receive th , nomination. And if half the "facts'' which are written and told by the respective candida tes con - cerning their opponents . ot a man from the whole numb e r of those who have entered the race are fit for a y office, nor are they in any sense worthy to stand at the head of this government as Pre ident ot this, the greatest nati on on the globe . 0 ne of our statesmen--we on I y have one or t wJ, h l:; s: tha t that p :i.rt y whi .:h does not keep at least one great moral isrne before tile p op! . is not worthy the name of party and should not receive the up?ort of any right thinking citizen. Now if this is true, and who can deny it? We d o not have to think very long or v ry h trJ till we find wh e r.'! the tw ) ol j p trties st 111d o!· wh ~re we sit ,uld stand in 011r relation to either one of them, f r th ey both c,tter to the interests of the saloon, the greatest evil of tile present day; they both are responsible for the traffic in vice wlti ch is winuir,gthe best sons and the purest daughters of the nation; thev both seek and obtain the support of Mormons, Catholics and infidels, and, would that it were not so, they at the same time demand and receive the votes of some of the so-called followers of Christ who have b ee n blinded to the crying need for reform and care more for being on the winning side in a single battle than to stand with that p 1rty v. hich, since its beginning in 1869 has ~tood for the best morally, politically and which, b ecause right is bound to cunquer, will one day, and it is coming (,t L, emerge (r Jm the sm ke of bat– tle Jed by King Immanuel with the white banners of temperance and purity, turn and frayed, but clean, w.i.ving in th~ bre.'.!ie., and with a SJng of victory upon their lip~ because ar10th(·r enemy of m tnkind and of God ha been van– quished. The Prohibition party is the only p.trty that has always kept a moral issue l>efore th people anti, Cur this rea, m, if (or nu oth r is worlhy of your su Jl port.