The Gavelyte, May 1912

! CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 310 The Columbus of ~ Behind us lay three co llege years, Onr high school days lay furth e r still, Before us lay untrodden ways Our senior year at Cedarvill e. The President said: What shall we do Our very wits are almos t gone Brave ·Facu lty, speak! What shall we d o? Why, dig; dig on and on anJ on! Our cla s grows mutinous day by day Our class grows ghastly wan and weak , Each m ember thot of home; a spray Of salt tears washed each sunk en cheek. "What sh.all we do, brave F acul t y, say, If we sight naught but flunks at dawn?" "Why, you sh all, till commenceme nt day Dig on, dig on and on a nd on.'' We dug and dug in History class Until a t last our president said W hy now n ot even Jurk at would care Should I and all my class fall dead . There will be none to g uide the 'oph~ When we are worked to death and gone, Now speak, brave Faculty, s peak and say Th ey said, "dig on and on and on!" CamP Cedar Day. The President sa id, '·These Juniors show t he ir te eth tunight Thf"y curl their li ps, they lie in wait With lifted teeth a if to bite. Brave Faculty, say but on e good word.· · Th eir stunt our cla s will never suit. The wo rd s leaped like a leaping swo rd, They aid, ''Dig and on-and le t them toot !' Thus, pale and worn we k ept to work And dwelt in darkness, ah, tho. e days Of all d ay ! Then a light A bright light met ou r gaze ! It drew a sheep skin wide unfurled, It drew to be commencement ddwn W<' gaiued A. B. We gave the Sophs Thei r g randest lesson on, dig on.