The Gavelyte, November 1906

THI~ GAVELYTE, tiful tints. It is a view we are loath to turn from for it has been made by JT,aster hand - One not human but Divine. Still deeply impressed by the scene we return a few weeks later but be– hold! it has vanisheil ! The foliage and all greenness pas disappeared. A fealing of solemnity and sorrow steals onr us. How short their existence has been! They have gone but they are remembered. The lesson taught of the uncertainty of life sinks into our minds. Our mission too is sol,n finished Eternity will tell whether it has been profitable or no. We may meet the Autumn of our lives with the same calmnc:ss, peacefulness and resignation with which as -the leaves, grass· anci flowers meet their autumn if we are willing to pay the cost. "So live that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan that moves To that mysterions realm, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death; Thou go not like the quarry slaves at night Scourged to his dungeon but sustained and soother] By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." Concerning Our Exchanges. I interest to the alumni and students I of Cedarville College namely the d t f th l fact that Miss Mary Eddy formerly Probably no epartmen o e Gavelyte meets with greater inter- a menber of our faculty is filling the est on the part of the student than chair of English in Alma College. does our exehange department. Our I We note very high words of praise list of exchanges is growing rapidly spoken of her by the editnrs which and some of them are of great in- we can warmly second. Other inter– tereRt to our "tudent. . During the esting exchanges are Wilmingtonian, past month we have received The \ of Wilmington College, The Antio– Sphinx, the beautiful Wisconsin Un- chian, The B~ack and Magenta, of iversity paper. Also we might men- Muskingum, The Phago('yte of O. M. tion the Almanian of Alma College U., The Wouster Voice and The Mich. , ln thiR we notice an item of l{ecord of WaRhington l niverf;ity.