The Gavelyte, November 1906
ohe G A VE LY T E • ! interest any Alumnus or Htudent of 1•111o1i~1irc1 in 11w intr,·r" 1 ,,r l tlrn college may take in the Gavelyte CEDARVILLE COLLEGE, which is being published with the de- - BY- sire to advance the interests of Ced- THE CJ:\:~ EL C / a~ville College will be highly appte- L U B c1ated . A MONTHLY PUBLICATION l'11hli:4lwd on rlw 1:,t1i t>I' Plleh 111011111, f'xc·1·pl .1111,Y 1111<1 .\Ug'll :4 1. The Societies . Subscription price, per year; $ L.00 I _ ______ The Gavel Club has enjoyed but r:ntt>rrd a .• St>c·olld ('l,1,.;:4 ~In.ii :\lat tPl', ill the /I tWO meetings this month as there pt>:41 ollic·P, nt ( 'PciHl'\ 0 illP, Ohio, .11111 . 1\1, J! d b • --= = seeme to e more important evPnts <' . ,:. ,rA1-rn . w. _ i•: ditor in <:hi r r. I occurring on two of the evening. set J;;. :\ll"(' LELL_\;,.;. '11!1. Hu ,.; ine:4-< '.\l g'l'. I for the regular meeting. \\' )1. \\" .\ l l>E. ·ox. 'l'r<>a"ure r . Th . .1. <· . :"11., 1{.·11 ., LL, ·o;. _ .,d,·. :'ll ;i'l'. ese two meetings however were Asso< i 1., 'rr: EDIT<>HK. full of interest and much work was " · T. ;!.\l{~~ -\~1,.. '1'.i .. Arh e lt>tic·R: . ,~ ,,·1r.- ! accomplished. It is .very urpnsrng Ll.\\(HO'.\ u,. Hoc·tt'IH'.~ . .I . 1\ .\SH, ll, , Loea,I ; ti I] t d b t h' h . 1,. c'O!\FAlU{, ·u!I, <' la,:~ : F . ,,· 1 r,r,u~r oN, 1~ exce en • e a es w 1c are rn- '117. ,-,."·" : dulged in extemporaneansly. The .1 . ., v1:-1:,;1~r . .-\. B.• ·o,;, Alnn,ni. strong feature of both meetings was the parlimentary practice obtained. Those who promulgated the idea of · The Philosophic Literary Socit:'ty publis}1ing a µaper in the interests of has not accomplished much this pai:-t Cedarville College hnpe and. sincerely month and the same may be said of trust that the Gavelyte is meeting the Pbilo's. Both need re-genna t ir,ig _ with the approval of th8 students ond .. . . or reorgamzrna. Alu mm. We note with much 1:egret I b that tho;;p who are giving notice at I It is a question whether or not the thi;; office to discontinue mailing the JI two Literary Societies are now doing (;avel_yte to them or who have over- the work which they ought to be do- · l1>0kPri thr payment for their subscrip- ing. As a matter of actual fact they tinn mo~tly members of the Alum- are not doing the work they ought 11i. WP will gladly receive any con- to do except furnishing a com'eITTient tributions or ar,y eriticism that may place for meeting for the students. he offered by an Alumnus or a student The valu 1 e of the work ts so obvious of th<> <·olleg ..... WP gtrnrantPP that to all that it isunnece~ary togo owr
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