The Gavelyte, November 1906

TH I~ I; AV F:1 ,Y'l'J<;, ------- it. We have all heard it time and I students was potent with the Spirit time again. Then why are they not I of God. doing it·? One reason it seems, may t Mr. Fitch combined two of his lPc– be given fo1 1 it all, na111ely the fact I tures his subj~ct being, "Work among that at present the societies are com-. the upper classes and its relation to poi:,ed of both sexes. China's awakening". He told first of The trend of the times is toward his own work among the Litteratti or seperation of the two sexes and we the highest class of Chinese. His pre– think Cedarvillt> College would be the paration for this work consisted in one gai~er ~f the sex~s sho_u_ld se,~erate in \ part of studying for two and one half their [,1trary ~ oc·1ety lite. l lw men I years the distinction between common would do bPtter work and the wome11 I Chinese and language of the Litteratti. do better w1>rk. Let this lw on 'your ! He located at .r ing Po where he con– mind for a while a11d see if this is not I vinced some of the leading ~Pn that thP solution of the preRent difficulty I they .ought to endow a colll:ge for the for no one can dPny that at present I erlucation of the Chinese young rnPn the work •iR perfunctory :-upnfecial I where they might if they wished learn anrl for bAlo..v the standard they I of Christi.toity. Sixty thousand dol– ought to follow. j larn were raised and the school start- ed. Tuition w:1:-; at first $120 Lut Or. Fitch 's Lecture. I waR Roon raised to $2400. The reli- geom, exercises were attended by all Dr. Ames Montgomery, Pastor of . the students though not compu_lsory. the First Presbyterian Chur~h, Xenia, The college was chartered by the en– ha<l the pleasure and honor of intro- IpreR~ Dowuger but its gratest utility ,.lucing to the stn<lents of the Col- was hampered by agitation ag~in~t !Pge and their friends, Rev. Mr. Fitch . foreigner~, due to the feeling in . this of China, Monday morning at chapel country in relation to the Chinese Ex– hour. It is safe to say that there has clousin Act. Mr. Fitch wai:; tlwn of– never been a speaker of such force fered further opportunity of continn– ancl power present the subject of : ing in the work at a substantial mat– China as a mission field to a Oedar- 1erial increasP but this meant tlw Slir– villP audience. Everyone who heard render of the very principles which he Mr. Fitch unitPs in declaring him to wns known to stanrl for in 1 ing l~o ~11 Le an earnest, sin~ece, and interest- he resigned. ' ing speaker arni his message to th_e ! Mr. Pitch e111phasiz1·<l thr fac-t. t.hat,