The Gavelyte, November 1906

The Gavelyte. VOL. 1. NOVEMB ER 1906 ' . NO. 9 "Ti ll man" Baskin was absent from I many friends of Cedarville College schoo l on Oet. Bl. will rejoice with us·'in this generous Why does .Tulia Harbison prefer I and we1l-timed gift. a clrnir with an arm on it? Mr: Chas. Nash, Miss Bertha Tate, "Pn,xiP" was with us Monday. Nov. I Mr. Alvin McCampbell and Miss Cora· the fifth for a few minutes. I attended the Philosophic . meetmg Monday evening Oct 29 Mr. Robert Besher was rn town I · · Fridc1y, Oet. 26.- (THE RECORD). I Lounette Sterrett ' 'WaidP.d" to the ".I . D.": Harold hasn't got down lecture Thursday evening Nov. 1. to hard \\'Ork yet, he likes the girls Some people have to "Begg" to go to wPll. any place. Mary McMillan did Thurs- ( , 1 . h 1 1 . h 1 1 day evening, Nov. 1. , 1 ,n arr ~ pe( to wrn t e game ~aturday by fussing with. Witten- 1 "Joe" and "Prof" Ware went to liPrg's coach. Springfield on Wednesday, Oct. 31. Have you seen the picture in the "Professor" Ware to attend to bus– hack of Dave's watch? It certainly I iness for the Gavelyte and "Joe" to is a good one and no mistake. I P:ocure necessaries for Hall11we'f'n I mght. ' ThP FirHt Iteformed Presbyterian 1 - c·hurch of ew York has donated to \ Why is Fitzs' Economy class lil,e tlw CollegP. .endowmtnt. furd $5,000. 1 the United States Senate'? Beeause This makPH a total of $11,000 raised "Pitchbook Tillman" repre~ents Cnr– :ince the op~ni 11u; of the school year. olina in the Senate, ancl "Tillman" No morP appropri;ite or appreciatecl Baskin represents Carolina in E('on– gift c·oulrl havf' liePn madf>, anrl the I omy class.