The Gavelyte, November 1907

ohe Gavel Club. ; Allen. They furnished conclusive "' I proof that stags can have a good The cluh has been holding it. meet- time. ings as usual on Thursday afternoons. C 1 ~., h 11 · p · · 1 Cl'f .., ar mars a 1s n nc1 pc:. at I ton ~everal gooc debates have been held, th· b · t · b d' · h fi . "R 1 J 1s year, ut pers1s s 10 oar mg in t e rst on the question, eso.ved, C d - 11 h' · h d I e arv1 e, even 1r1ng a orse an That the Japanese should be exclud- b t d . -1 i:: 1 \x, l · h ,, d ·a d. . ! uggy o nve over an,1 11ac<. vP e( trom t e . , . , ec1 e rn the af- 1 1 ,i. wonc er w11y firmative, and the second, "Resolved, J · That the faculty is justified in com- ! The G. ('. ·T's gave a sph,ndid n·- peiling students whoHe work is not '. ception to their gPntlenwn friPnd :-:. up t,> their standard to discontinue ~ ov. 12th at the home of .\Jiss .Jpan– their studie:", this too decided af- 1 nette Orr. About thirty in all wt:>rP firmat.ively. For th~ first meeting in pre ent and the girls certainly <levi.'· a long tin.e, the full qt1ola of the I ed some. clerer mPthods of Pn t•·11 ain– club were present, and thillgS, indeed, I ing. The club i a , ort of , ewing look very encouraging for a year of I circle and each man was instrncterl much profit in the work of the club, to bring some apparE>I that needed and for the publication of a college S(-'wing- one of the pleasur(,'s of the paper of higher tanding. The men evening was to watch the men sp,,·. who have acted as chairmen of the All right., G. ('. T. \i\'elc:ome. meetings already belt.I are Messrs I Hawthorne ant.I Waide. At thP first Directory. meeting it wa, decided to give a ;'"'hort 'tory Contest the details of p· 1) 1 . 1 1 1 h' · . · I · 1 - 11 i. f' d 1 rt1s. 11 :u e p 1an Literary , oc1ety, w 11c w1 ue oun on anot wr pagt>. . ..............................Fred Bird. More Local News. I Pn•s. Philosophic· Literary ~ociety, ............................ Wm.Waide. About eight stags assernl>lt->d at Pre:. i;avel l'lt1u, ......K B. McClellan. Bachelor ' Hall the other evening, Pre•. Athletic As'n ... l. K. Williamson. and there for a few hours, t>ating, Manager of Basket Ball Team, singing and wasteing ran r'iot. Thost> 1 ........................ Frank Creswell. presi>nt included :Me.'srs. H. Haw- PrP.. S. M. C., ........... n.. J. Brigham. 1,hornP, ash, Linton, !:lair, RittPr, Pres. Y. M. C. A., ...... D.. J. Brigham. Mnrray, Wm. HnwthJ)l'nf ·:mil Prof. Pr,"s. Orntnrirnl .-\s'n, .. E.H. McClellan.