The Gavelyte, November 1907
MOST STUDENTS WEAR Ka·ufman's Good Clothes, . HATS AND FURNISHINGS. . l 0-21-2:1 , o. Limestone St., Springfield, Uhio . lo per cent discount to students. You've a Standing Jnvitation to come here and look over FINE WATCHES, Jewelry, ~ignet, Set, Plain Gold and En– graved band Rings, Comb, Brush and Mirror 8ets, Jewel cases ,ind Trinket Boxes, Bracelets, Brooches :ind , ·arf Pins in great variety. A better grade of Umbrellas than Is sold else v. here in town. ovPlties and Staples in StPrling , ilver . Time is almost here when you'll give some thing . No better place to get it than right hPre where Prices an" right, qualities right and your· treatment ns near right as we know. McCOLLUM, 'She Jeweler, Special _e S.hoe Sales going on at Johnston's Shoe Store Xenia, Ohio. Basket Ball & 6ym. 6oods. Suits Head Guards Sweaters Nose .Guards I Shoes Shin Guards Guns, Amunition and Bi= I cycles. Repairing a Spe= I cialty. ~--------, 6eo. E. Meek & Co., Confections I t6 S. Limestone=st.,Springfield, :·o 1-----------.-- ! - - - I I ' Pay subscriptions. Patronize adverti sers. I Nnhscrilw for Tm; (~AVELY 'l'K Cigars and Tobacco, C. M. Ridgway, Or11gg-ist. i
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