The Gavelyte, November 1908

l IX coulri see any sen e in that - except when you're around. W,t,,, Vince j,tnitur when you were in collPge here? Well he's a slender whole-henrted m,in, vPry commanding in appearance, who ha frequently pm;ed for one of the characters that you see in these "I do" and " I don't" po:::ters. Well "l'. V." had a verbal combat with a Methodist brother and frnrn all indications if some one had not interfered the affair would have re– sulted sPriou ly for "a Methodist brother" ·-I'm not saying which one. Bill Ritter furnished the surprise of the event. After a year's painful separa– tion, he and hi· old flame, Prof. Allen, were once more SPen to-gether. "Davy" Brigham, another curly headed youth, was there with bells on. Prof. Fitz, who acts as me<iiator-in-chief between the boys and the girls, performed the gentle office of driving Waddle's team from hence to thence and vice versa. "Fitz" is just as young looking as ever. Hugh Hawthorne. whom the girls knew, very appropriately it seems, a':3 "Hug", is not with us this year - the more'~ the pity, think the girl,;. Well, I'm feeling weary at this time S 1 ) I'd better hurry on and describe that great catastrophe. the St. Marys' game, where we WPre nnquered 24 0. Our laris had hard lurk during this game. '"'veral of our pets harl to retire on account of injuries. but Bill Lint stayed out the gam~ - you should have seen him hobble tq the college ni>xt da,v --why, 1 don't believe some of those men are out of bed yet; I haven't, en1 some of them at college for well nigh a week . Well, thi,; is a sari tale but C C. is climbing tn the top. we calculate now, that we are in Wooster's class; we had two games sched– uled with elson and Antioch . elson couldn't get a field and Antioch, provirientially for them, claimed their best mPn were hurt. well, as you have some friends among the Antior,h men, I wont ay what I think about it, hut I rio wish they would give onr boys another chance. Well, (;ertie, the hour is late, G(l(Jrl night dear, now remember to write soon again. Don't forget no,\· write s0on (;oorl night and good luC'k. From your honest friend, ' I. !>id )OU :-l·P "11illy" Watt legging ! Hugh Turnbull till rambles around it for that touch-down against the wilhout a. guardian. Does no one High fkhool recently. know his <langeronR condition?