The Gavelyte, November 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. ] G7 Jan. 29 ..... Muskingum... ew Conco rd I perspective the events of a busy F'eb. 5........ Muskingum........... Ced . world. It is our especial aim to " 11 ........... Deaf Mutes ..... . ... Col. present the ess6ntial features of the " 18............ Antioch ............ Ced. month stripped of their inaccuracies " 26 ........... Deaf Mutes ......... Ced. 1 and disentangled from the hopeless Mar. 4 ......... Lebanon ......... Lebanon I confusion in which we generally find There has been a Big B'ive team or- them in our minds. g-anized composed of Linton, Sh}tw, To this end, the editor of this de– Clemans, Howard Turnbull, and ttill. partment spent a whole evening de– ':hey boast that they are going to de-1 vo~ring n~wspa~ers a~d ma~azines feat the second team, so beware, 1 and cramming h1s cranium with all Capt. Stewart. i sorts of information. Then, about The girls are still practicing and I bed-time, eame the process of dis– have several games in sight. Ac-1· entanglement. As a prE:paration for cording to the outlook n)w they will this mental gymnastic, the writer play some. strong t~ams, such as ~en- j had read Sherlock Holmes- and eva, Bellair, Zane~v1lle H. S., Musking- studied his methods for two weeks. um and many others. The results of this two-fold process are given herewith. Current Events. The Peary-Cook controversy still i goes on. Cook states that he will It j., not the purpose of this j again climb Mt. McKinley for the department of the_ GAVELYTE to I purpose of obtaining the rE:-'cords usurp the functions of the daily I proving that he was at the Pole, his I newspapers to say nothing Qf those; idea evidently being that by the time voluminous sheets devoted to the I he gets there the polar ice will have _i>nlightenment of the general public I carried the rE.cords that far. - the Cerlarville RECORD and HERALD ! His wife, Lady Cook, not to be ( we understand that, that famous I outdone by her husband, has just Chicago Journal, the RECORD-HER- arrived in this country and states ALU got its name by combining these that she has a million dollars to - two ) It is rather the aim of this l promote the cause . of "Votes for monthly <li~cussion to withdraw some-J Women." what from the turmoil of first-hanrl She has met with a very indifferent journali."m and, from a lofty, serene response, chiefly because the and i:;i>rlnd<'<l f;pot, view in their true I American puhlic weri> at tlw tirnr of
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